Seed Ecology and Conservation Status of Wild Rice Species in Sri Lanka
Dr. Malaka Wijayasinghe
Prof. Andrea Mondoni
Ms. Thasajini Nagendran
Prof. Gehan Jayasuriya
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
University of Pavia
University of Peradeniya
Started in September 2020
3 Years Project
SDG Achievements
Crop wild relatives (CWRs) of cultivated rice are essential because they bring value to cultivated crops regarding genetic material, such as resistance to pests and diseases and the ability to withstand harsh climatic conditions such as drought, which might not be present in cultivated crops. Therefore, these CWRs can be used in breeding as sources of biotic resistance, often also possess traits adapting them to marginal environment. However, due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, these species are under threat. This study points out the urgent need to prioritize conservation strategies both in situ and ex situ in order to ensure the long-term survival and availability of these resources for present and future generations. Moreover, information on seed dormancy, dormancy breaking treatments and germination are important for their conservation and cultivation.